Код: Выделить всё
### INT ###
$ipCONF iptmp=($config->3)
:global ether1NAME [/interface ethernet get [ find default-name="ether1" ] name ]
:global ether1 {ip="$ip";netmask="$prefix";gateway=($network+1)}
$ipCONF iptmp=($config->4)
:global ether5NAME [/interface ethernet get ($intCOUNT-1) name]
:global ether5 {ip="$ip";netmask="$prefix";gateway=($network+3)}
:if ( $MODE != "vsat" and $intCOUNT="5" ) do={
/interface ethernet set [find name="$ether5NAME" ] name="ether$intCOUNT-$ISP5" master-port=none
:set ether5NAME [/interface ethernet get ($intCOUNT-1) name]
$ipCONF iptmp=($config->5)
:global lanNAME [/ip address get [find network=""] interface ]
:global lan {ip=($network+1);netmask="$prefix";network="$network";pool="$poolSTART-$poolEND"}
$ipCONF iptmp=($config->6)
:global l2tpNAME "l2tp-$ORG"
:global l2tp {network=($network+1)}
$ipCONF iptmp=($config->7)
:global greNAME "gre-$ORG"
:global gre {ip=($network+2);netmask="$prefix";network="$network"}
Код: Выделить всё
[admin@MikroTik] /ip address> :if ( $MODE != "vsat" and $intCOUNT="5" ) do={
{... /interface ethernet set [find name="$ether5NAME" ] name="ether$intCOUNT-$ISP5" master-port=none
expected end of command (line 2 column 80)